Saturday, October 13, 2012

Once: The Eve Trilogy by Anna Carey

Ok so after I read this i was going to do a review. And I have to say i cried even more than I did after reading the first book. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. To start off, it isn't as high paced as the other. There were some thrills but not as much. I am trying my best not to give anything away. There is a very big twist. Something big and shocking that Eve learns about her past. (Hint: It's about her father) Anyway, I don't want to give anything away but a really important chracter dies. My heart literally broke at that point. Any fellow bookworm knows the feeling when you develop an attachment to a character and they die. I was to the point where I was so sad that I disn't even want to read the next book. The ending also had a huge cliffhanger. I was very very mad about it and very mad that I have to wait to read the next one but I will try to be patient. And I am going to read the next book no matter how sad or mad I am about the last. Anyway I haven't been doing well with my posts but I will try to do this weekly. Hope that anyone who reads it liked it! And I hope they keep coming back for more book reviews! :) Thanks for reading!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Ok so i haven't gotten a chance to read it yet but i want to so bad! I am a total wallflower. I am pretty sure if you asked my friends to describe me in one wors that would be it. It sounds great and I am tired of waiting for it at the library so I will be going to the bookstore thia week to get it. I will try to put a review up about it :)