Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ok Everyone. I am fangirling right now, because the final installment in the Eve Trilogy by Anna Carey came out today. If you follow my blog, you know how ardently I love this series! Now, I am waiting (very impatiently) for my copy to arrive, but as soon as I do I will put my post up. Now I've read a few reviews that so far have not liked this book in the trilogy. So now I'm terrified but knowing me I'll still love it. I'm usually the type of person who, even if I hear a bad review about something, I still tend to love it. There have been lots of spoilers put out that say 5, yes FIVE, characters die. And not small ones either. Characters that have played a big role in Eve's life. That's all I'm posting for now, only because I haven't read it yet.

XO, Juliette

And btw about my last post. I won't be posting anything about The Lives We Lost. I didn't finish it. I only got through about 5 maybe 6 chapters and was very bored with it. Plus I am very busy, being a student and all. If I have time this summer, I will attempt to read it again and post about. To anyone who follows my blog, I'm sorry about this, but I will put up the Rise review as soon as I finish it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hi everyone! (I'm hoping at least some people read my blog) Anyways, I thought I would post some book recommendations. I started this series by Megan Crewe at the begining of last summer. It's called The Fallen World Trilogy. The first book, on the right is called The Way We Fall. The second, which just came out and I was lucky enough to be the very first person to get it at the library, is called The Lives We Lost. I just started the second, so I figured I would do a sort of joint review of the two books once I was done reading the new one. I'll be posting (hopefully at the beginning of every month) a new book recomendation and at the end, I'll post what I thought about it! Book of the month sort of thing. There might be more than one though since I usually have 5-6 books n my nigth stand at once, there might only be one. Depending on how busy I am. I haven't been posting much sine I've been busy with school and work but during the summer I'll definetly have more time to post. But only one for February, since it's almost over already (went by way too fast) and I figure I'll be able to finish this one before the month ends. But look this trilogy up! The first book was amazing!

Until Next time!
XO, Juliette!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Partials by Dan Wells

Just finished the book Partials by Dan Wells This book was amazing. It's a typical kind of plague/post-apocalytic book that I would normally read. The main character, Kira Walker, isn't your average 16 year old heroine. She is a trained medic who is determined to find a cure for the disease RM that killed almost every human being on earth and has prevented any newborn baby to survive in 11 years.

Now this book took me a while to read. Not that it was boring, or slow or anything of that sort. It was the medical mumbo-jumbo sections that took me a while to get through. But that was the only con I had with this book. It had nice fast paced parts that made your heart race, parts that made you really think to try and figure out what was going on, who could and couldn't be trusted. All in all, it was a great book! I am looking forward to reading the sequel to this called Fragments. I would highly recommend this book, especially if you are like me and are into plague/post-apocalytic books like me.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Once: The Eve Trilogy by Anna Carey

Ok so after I read this i was going to do a review. And I have to say i cried even more than I did after reading the first book. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. To start off, it isn't as high paced as the other. There were some thrills but not as much. I am trying my best not to give anything away. There is a very big twist. Something big and shocking that Eve learns about her past. (Hint: It's about her father) Anyway, I don't want to give anything away but a really important chracter dies. My heart literally broke at that point. Any fellow bookworm knows the feeling when you develop an attachment to a character and they die. I was to the point where I was so sad that I disn't even want to read the next book. The ending also had a huge cliffhanger. I was very very mad about it and very mad that I have to wait to read the next one but I will try to be patient. And I am going to read the next book no matter how sad or mad I am about the last. Anyway I haven't been doing well with my posts but I will try to do this weekly. Hope that anyone who reads it liked it! And I hope they keep coming back for more book reviews! :) Thanks for reading!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Ok so i haven't gotten a chance to read it yet but i want to so bad! I am a total wallflower. I am pretty sure if you asked my friends to describe me in one wors that would be it. It sounds great and I am tired of waiting for it at the library so I will be going to the bookstore thia week to get it. I will try to put a review up about it :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Review: Eve by Anna Carey

Ok this is only my first posting so I don't know how well this will go.
Anyways, I just read Eve a little over a month ago. Once I started it I couldn't put it down and finished it in one night. For those who don't know what it's about, google it because it takes me forever to explain it. It has amazing chracters, good plot, but I must warn it made me sob like a baby. Very good descriptions and details and lots of different twists I never saw coming. I do have a hard time choosing my favorite characters in the book. There are so many. I would definetly give this a 5 out of 5. It was so good that i got on amazon and ordered the sequel, and as soon as I finish it I will put up a review. Hope this gets some readers let me know what you think :)